Ru Paul's Drag Race Sale!
The secret's out!
Shoe Me was proud to supply the fabulous footwear for the episode 6 Maxi Challenge on Ru Paul's Drag Race Down Under!
Make sure you catch up Episiode 6 so you can see some burly footballers put on heels for the first time and slay their looks.
We also provided the footwear for contestant Maxi Shield through the season and have shared her looks on our blog each week.

To celebrate our involvement in Ru Paul's Drag Race Down Under we are offering 15% OFF STOREWIDE + IN-STORE this weekend till Midnight Monday. Use the code of our queen MAXISHIELD at checkout or in-store for 15% off your order total.

Use the code MAXISHIELD for 15% off your entire order storewide!
As Sponsors of the Makeover Maxi Challenge we are so proud to be able to share each and ever style with you. You may have seen our shoe wall and logo all over this week's episode!. With so many styles featured it's hard to keep up! So we've created collections to help you shop the sneaky sale while inspired!
What were you favourite looks from Maxi this season?